Thursday, December 20, 2007

Read Our Lips Nashville

Read Our Lips Nashville is a performance of original pieces about our vaginas. Inspired by Eve Ensler's Vagina Monologues, we are committed to expressing our own ideas, thoughts, feelings, experiences, and celebrations of our vaginas. We will have an all woman cast, but welcome male allies in support roles. We will make space for everyone who wants to be included and is an active participant in the rehearsal and development process.

Our performance will be Saturday, February 16th at the First Unitarian Universalist Church in Nashville. All ticket sales will benefit Mending Hearts, a wonderful organization getting women off the streets, out of prostitution, and off of drugs. This is a homegrown production with a minimal budget, so all pieces need to be original works and all costuming, props, and special equipment like musical gear need to be provided by each performer. We will be creative and flexible, and ask that each performer take a similar attitude. Ultimately, each performer is responsible for her own piece. The rehearsals will be space to develop, modify, and practice our pieces and to stitch them into a show.

TIME COMMITMENT: We will have three rehearsal times each week, and ask that all performers attend two of the three. Our first meeting will be Sunday, January 6th, 2008 from 6:00-9:00. We will continue to have full cast rehearsals each Sunday night after that through our performance. Also, on Monday and Tuesday nights we will have small group rehearsals. We ask that each performer attend EITHER Monday OR Tuesday, depending on availability. Monday night rehearsals will be facilitated by Chelsea from 6:00-8:00 pm, and Tuesday nights will be with Magda from 7:00-9:00 pm. We ask that each performer attend a minimum of 5 full cast rehearsals, with the last two being mandatory, and at least 5 small group rehearsals.

HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Think about your vagina. Use some of the questions below as a jumping off place, if you like. Conceive of a piece about your vagina that you would like to perform, and fill out the proposal sheet below. Your piece can be a poem, a monologue, a song, a performance piece, etc. It can be something you have already written, or something new. We just ask that it be your original work. We are accepting proposals from December 21st-January 4th. Email your proposal to or mail it to Magda Oakewoman, 550 McCrory Creek Rd Apt. B7, Nashville, TN 37214. Come to our first meeting on January 6th, and be able to make the time commitment for rehearsals and the performance.

We will also need stage hands, ticket takers, etc. Please email if you would like to participate in a non-performance capacity.

CONTACT US: Questions? Concerns? Want more information? Stay tuned to our blog at Or email Or call Chelsea at 615-943-4636. We look forward to hearing from you and developing this show together!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Welcome to the Official Read Our Lips Nashville Blog!

We are working on a production of vagina centric media to be performed in Nashville February 2008. We are currently welcoming proposals for pieces. Please e-mail us for more information!