Friday, January 4, 2008


See December 20 entry for production information.

Name of participant:

Phone number:


Working title of piece:

Estimated time of piece (under 5 minutes is preferred):

Media of piece (e.g., prose, poetry, song, &c.):

Synopsis of idea:

Here are some questions about your vagina. Answer as many as you feel comfortable, and use the process as a jumping off place for your own inspiration. Please send your answers in with your Proposal.

Tell us about your vagina...

What are your name(s)/ term(s) for your vagina?
What does your vagina desire more than anything right now?
What does your vagina feel like?
What does your vagina look like?
What does your vagina taste like?
What does your vagina smell like?
What would your vagina like to hear?
What does your vagina do for a living?
What is your vagina thinking about right now?
What would your vagina fight/love for?
What is your vagina's 1st memory?
What is your vagina's favorite story?

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