Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Discussion Time

Did you know that you can post to blogspot with an OpenID? This includes LiveJournal and WordPress to name a few. I want to know what you hope to accomplish or see happen through being involved (whether performing, crew, or simply watching the production)? Have you had any kodak moments so far? What are they?

Snatchel Makin' Lady


Anonymous said...

Hey! I wrote my first draft yesterday while my students were sleeping. It was really affirming to list some of the baggage that I have let go of. I have been looking at what I believe about my sexuality for a lot of the past year and I have started to see things in a different light. I have started to see myself in a different light, and feel so blessed that I don't have to see my vagina or my sexuality as dirty or bad.

Anonymous said...

I started calling myself an egalitarian feminist a while back. To do that meant I had to restudy everything I had learned about being a woman and female- including my own body, sexuality and femininity in general. Now I'm just excited to help others break through the ignorance. I think I'm most nervous about directing and being in theatre again after a long break. Heh.